Acta Materialia, Acta Biomaterialia, Scripta Materialia, Materialia Journals

Acta Biomaterialia Silver Medal

The deadline for nominations for all Acta Materialia and Acta Biomateriala awards is February 1st each year. For the Acta Materialia Silver medal and the Acta Biomaterialia Silver medal, the nominees must be 45 years or younger on December 31 the previous year.

The Acta Biomaterialia Silver Medal intends to honor and recognize scientific contributions and leadership from academic, industry and public sector leaders in the midst of their careers. Many awards recognize outstanding young investigators or integrated contributions throughout a career. The Silver Medal is established to recognize significant research contributions that are recent and timely. Specifically, the awardee will have made significant contributions through one or more of the following means:

  • a theoretical or experimental discovery of a new principle in biomaterials science,
  • development or invention of a new process or product in the biomaterials engineering field, and/or
  • distinguished leadership or service rendered to the profession of biomaterials science and engineering.

The nominee should be 45 years of age or under on the December 31 prior to the February 1 nomination deadline. Exceptions may be made for an interruption in career progression due, for example, to family or military service.

The Silver Medal Award consists of a silver medal, an inscribed certificate, and an honorarium of US $5000.

Candidates for this award may be proposed by any scientist/engineer/practitioner or any materials related society, previous Acta award recipients, Sponsoring or Cooperating Societies of Acta Materialia, Inc., and Editors of the Acta Materialia journals.

The nomination package should contain

  • A statement by the nominator (two pages maximum) specifying the candidate’s suitability for the award with respect to:
    • Specific and clearly defined recent research achievements that form the basis for the recognition
    • The impact of these achievements in relationship to the relevant materials community**
    • Indicators that the candidate is a recognized leader in his or her field

  • A curriculum vitae that highlights recent research/translation activity, contributions, and leadership
  • Letters of support from up to three distinguished scientists in the field
  • Citation of not more than 30 words

**Please emphasize the nominee’s impact on their research field, rather than the metrics on their publications.

Nominations remain in effect for three years unless withdrawn or re-endorsed, with additional justification, for an additional two-year period. Current members of the Acta Materialia Board of Governors and of the Award Selection Committee are not eligible.

The Award Selection Committee is formed of five judges, themselves distinguished members of the materials community.

The Acta Biomaterialia Silver Medal is awarded each year, unless the judges feel no candidate is qualified. The presentation is made at a venue approved by the Acta Materialia Executive Committee. The Award will not be bestowed in absentia except in extraordinary circumstances.

Nominations should be submitted to the Executive Secretary (Prof. Carolyn Hansson, [email protected]), as a single file document preferably in PDF or Word format.

Acta Materialia, Inc.

Acta Materialia, Inc. ( is a non-profit organization representing 36 professional societies worldwide. It is dedicated to disseminating the knowledge of science and engineering of materials, primarily by publishing high quality journals covering all aspects of the multidisciplinary field of materials science and engineering, including biomaterials, nanomaterials, materials chemistry and physics. The corporation publishes four journals in collaboration with Elsevier: Acta Materialia, Scripta Materialia, Acta Biomaterialia, and Materialia.

Acta Biomaterialia Silver Medal Award Recipients


Karen Christman

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Natalie Artzi

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Giovanni Traverso

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Milica Radisic

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Tatiana Segura

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Molly M. Stevens

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Jason A. Burdick

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Ali Khademhosseini

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Thomas J. Webster

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