Acta Materialia, Acta Biomaterialia, Scripta Materialia, Materialia Journals

Prof. Huseyin Sehitoglu

ASM Representative

Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, University of Illinois at U-C

[email protected]

Professor Sehitoglu’s research focuses on phase transformations in metals, shape-memory materials, deformation twinning, and the theory of metal fatigue. He developed models for the determination of critical stress for deformation twinning and slip in structural materials, including shape memory alloys. Earlier in his career, he was instrumental in developing advanced experimental techniques for understanding thermo-mechanical fatigue. He has published mainly in Material Science and Mechanics journals, including Acta Materialia and I. Journal of Plasticity, mostly with his graduate students, and is the author of over 300 journal publications.

He received his undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering from City, University of London, and MS and PhD degrees in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics from the University of Illinois, Urbana, in 1981 and 1983, respectively. After graduation, he has been on the faculty in Illinois since then. He was Director of the Mechanics and Materials Program at the National Science Foundation from 1991 to 1993. He was the Department Head of the MechSE (Mechanical Science and Engineering) Department during 2004-2009 and has been the Nyquist Chair in the same department since 2008. In 2018, he was given an honorary doctorate degree from Aalto University, Finland.

He advised nearly 150 graduate students, postdocs, and visiting scholars, and has 13 former PhD students in academic positions as Professors. He is the Chief Editor of the ASM journal, Shape Memory and Superelasticity. He received the Khan International Medal in Plasticity in 2021, the ASME Honorary Membership in 2022, the Morris Cohen Award from TMS in 2022, and earlier, the Nadai Medal from ASME in 2007 and Marcus Grossman Award from ASM in 1998. He is a Fellow of ASM and member of TMS.